How to Heal Your Gut Naturally

by Dr. Nick Zyrowski March 18, 2024

When you have any kind of health problem, it can be frustrating. You want to fix the issue so you can go on with your life and feel good. Unfortunately, many doctors don’t take the time to get to the root cause of most gut problems and instead depend on a pill to work magic. We have good news because there are holistic methods that can support your health and help you feel much better soon. Keep reading to learn the 3 steps to heal your gut naturally!

Symptoms of gut issues

If you don’t know for sure that you need to restore your gut health, the chances are good that you do. Many people have symptoms of gut problems and think it’s normal due to genetics or age. The truth is that you can be healthy at any age and should not be experiencing these discomforts. If you have some or all of these symptoms, you may have poor gut health. (1)

  • Bloating
  • Increased burping
  • Difficult bowel movements
  • Gas after eating
  • Feeling full during or after meals
  • Problems digesting food
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances

That is by no means an exhaustive list. Having issues with your gut can cause a plethora of health problems. These are only some of the most common ones people may report.

Natural methods are effective

If you wonder why you shouldn’t rely on prescriptions for better gut health, it’s because these can often make the problems worse. (2) Even taking OTC medications like antacids can cause nausea, stomach cramping, headaches, and changes to your nervous system function. Some studies are even showing a link to dementia risk. (3)

So what should you do to heal your gut? There are three crucial steps that we recommend for our patients and you can follow them, too.


Sometimes your gut needs to rest. This is why fasting can be so beneficial for your health. When you restrict eating times, it decreases intestinal inflammation and helps you have a healthier gut barrier. (4)

You can think of fasting as a reset for your body. It helps to produce more healthy bacteria in your gut microbiome, increasing the diversity. Fasting may also eliminate unhealthy bacteria, which is what you want to remove.

You don’t need to start with 24-hour fasts. You can begin by extending your eating windows a bit. For instance, stop eating earlier in the evening and eat breakfast later. Try to eat within an 8-hour timeframe. Then, as you get used to fasting, you can build up to longer periods.

Change your diet

This is often overlooked, but it’s essential to restoring your gut health. You’ve often heard that you are what you eat. That can be especially true when it comes to gut health. The standard American diet is filled with sugar, processed carbs, and unhealthy oils. Not only can that lead to added weight, but it can also create all kinds of issues for your gut microbiome.

Sugar can eliminate healthy bacteria that protect your gut. (5) When you cut sugar out of your diet, it allows your gut microbiota to balance. It also stops the feeding of those unhealthy bacteria that can affect your digestion, lungs, and the rest of your body.

Eating whole foods that aren’t filled with tons of additives and colorings will help decrease inflammation. Inflammation causes many diseases and illnesses, so you want that to be low. If you continue eating an unhealthy diet for too long, it can play a role in things like irritable bowel syndrome.

When changing your diet, you want to add options that you may not have considered. Choices like bone broth and fermented foods are great for healing your gut and keeping it healthy. That means filling your refrigerator with things like plain yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and pickles. If you need some help planning healthy meals that are good for you, the SIBO kit comes with a meal plan that is easy to follow. You also get the supplements you need to restore the microbial balance and help support the intestinal lining.


Supplements are not all created equal. Probiotics, for example, can be incredibly beneficial for your gut and overall health, but you don’t want to get the ones at your local grocery store. You want the probiotics that can travel through the stomach and get into the intestine, where they’ll go to work fast. Vitamins can be beneficial to your wellness plan, but you don’t want to throw good money away. Look for vitamins without fillers and unhealthy ingredients.

Digestive enzymes support the breakdown of food into nutrients and help with proper digestion. They may relieve issues like bloating, belly pain, and indigestion. (6)

You also want to use clinically relevant dosing that will work to replenish and restore your health. Numerous herbs and nutrients have been used for centuries and are effective for healing and rebalancing gut bacteria.

What kind of supplements will work for gut health? You always want a good multivitamin to fill in any nutritional gaps. As mentioned, probiotics are essential for gut health. Additionally, some nutrients help create a more acidic environment so that the unhealthy bacteria don't have a chance to thrive.

It can be expensive and confusing trying to find the perfect ingredients for all of these. With the SIBO kit, you get everything you need to start the healing process, plus tips and advice on better food choices and meal plans to make it easier along the way.

Prioritizing your health

We know how busy life can get. Many people put their health on the back burner, thinking they’ll take care of themselves when life slows down. Yet, if you don’t keep yourself healthy, you won’t be able to take care of anything else, including your loved ones, your career, or any of the other aspects of life you value.

There is a tremendous link between gut health and overall wellness. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms in this article, we urge you to incorporate these small changes. They can make a dramatic difference in how you feel and how you show up for your life. We are here to answer any questions and support you as you become a wellness warrior! Contact us at our clinic and let us know how we can help.


Dr. Nick Zyrowski
Dr. Nick Zyrowski