What is a Cellular Health Test?
Cellular health testing is a useful determining factor to assess an individual's health. It can be used to assess exactly how healthy your body is, how it is aging, and how related factors like lifestyle, environment, emotions, and diet are affecting it.
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What is a Cellular Health Test?
Cellular health testing is a useful determining factor to assess an individual's health. It can be used to assess exactly how healthy your body is, how it is aging, and how related factors like lifestyle, environment, emotions, and diet are affecting it.
These tests can help you review and assess any of the following factors:
- The body's aging process and the biological age of your cells
- How much energy a cell can produce
- Your overall cellular health and function
- Levels of toxicity present in cells
- Bodily hydration
- The body's metabolic rate
- The body's fat mass and muscle mass
- How effective muscle activity is
- Overall cellular health
- How nutrition affects the cells and body composition
- Likelihood of disorders and chronic diseases
- How the body will respond to treatment
- Intracellular and extracellular fluid levels (extracellular fluids consist of water, mainly)
Cellular Health Tests Can Inform the Likelihood of Disease
By taking one of our tests, we can help you to determine if you are at risk for any sort of chronic or debilitating disease. The diseases that could be indicated by these labs are:
- Kidney disease
- Sepsis
- Liver cirrhosis
- Certain cancers
Why Should I Get a Cellular Health Test?
If you are on the search for a way to become healthier overall, you can start with a cellular health test. A cellular health test can help inform you on how to do any of the following things:
- Lose weight
- Reduce body fat and increase muscle
- Increase your energy levels
- Detoxify your body and your cells
- Age in a healthy way
- Determine the best foods to provide nutrition to your body and your cells
- Find the best program to address any health issues you may have
Better functioning cells make for a better functioning body! This simple test could be the key to overall wellness.
What Can I Expect From These Tests?
These tests may require you to take a small blood or tissue sample for analysis. Once the information has been reviewed, you'll be contacted regarding the results. The results can be used to measure any number of things related to health and vitality.
Does Body Composition Affect Cellular Health Testing?
Overall, body composition will have an effect on cellular health testing. Body composition plays a major part in every facet of your health. Depending on a person's body composition, their testing may yield significant results.
What is Body Composition?
Many people mistake body composition for body weight. The two are very different from one another, however. A person's weight can make an impact on their life, but their body composition is a result of their lifestyle and nutrition. Understanding body composition can help you with your bodily analysis.
Fat, Muscle, and Water Working Together
The body is made up of fat, protein, water, and minerals. As such, you can find that when you review your cell health, these play a part in all aspects.
Metabolic processes are at their best when fat and muscle are balanced, well, and when the body remains hydrated. This helps increase longevity and keeps you healthy.