Debunking Myths: Are Plant-Based Diets Truly Healthier in 2024?

by Dr. Nick Zyrowski August 11, 2024

There are so many social media channels and movie stars telling you that plant-based diets are not only good for the environment, but they’re good for you, too. Why would all of these people be wrong? Well, there’s a lot of research to back up what we are about to uncover and you’re going to want to know about it. Let’s dive into some of the current myths surrounding this plant-based push.

Why people are eating plant-based

Some people have been vegan or vegetarian for many years. Yet, there are also a ton of people who have switched to a plant-based diet because they watched a documentary and suddenly thought that was the way to go. What they don’t realize is that most of these so-called studies are one-sided and some are even completely dishonest. At the very least, they are filled with myths and ideas that are wrong. (1)

Many people today are easily influenced by those on social media. Now, we aren’t telling you that there aren’t some truly competent professionals online, but just because someone believes one way doesn’t make their way correct or true.

Today’s plant-based diet

Today’s plant-based diets are not the same as the diets your mom talked about. Let’s get that out of the way. Before you ask what could be wrong with eating your veggies, we want you to know that is not what we are discussing and debunking here.

If you look around the grocery store, you’ll see all kinds of fake foods. When you take the time to read the labels, some of the ingredients can be staggering. In one plant burger, you’ll be consuming unhealthy ingredients, like GMO soy, canola oil, chemical additives, and a ton of other things listed. (2) That’s just one example. There are lots of foods that the plant-based food companies try to imitate. This is not a whole-food diet that is filled with colorful fruits and veggies.

As a result of this new plant-based diet, some people begin to get sicker, more inflamed, and gain weight. Your body was not meant to consume these types of ingredients. We can’t even legitimately call them foods.

Additionally, many people on this diet are eating more processed items, like bread, pasta, and more. They are also drinking sugary sodas and fruit juices, all in the name of sticking to their plant-based diet. These diets can be so strict that they don’t allow room for balance.

Dangers of the plant-based movement

Unfortunately, as it gains in popularity, so do the dangers of this plant-based movement. Interestingly, it’s constantly touted as being good for your health, but when you eliminate all animal-based products, your health can suffer. Why is that?

Studies have shown that eating only vegetables and fruit, along with processed carbohydrates can lead to nutritional deficiencies. (3) When you cut out all meat, you significantly reduce your consumption of vitamins and minerals, like B12, omega-3, iron, magnesium, zinc, and calcium. To expand, that lack of nutrients could be an increased risk for illnesses, like cancer, stroke, bone fractures, anemia, and hypothyroidism.

If you are determined to eat a plant-based diet, you will want to go with whole-food sources. That means a diet rich in vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruits, and berries. Leave out the processed foods and grains. You’ll also want to supplement with a quality multivitamin to cover any nutritional bases. Skip the grocery store aisle when looking for your supplements. You want something that is bioavailable to allow your body to use those nutrients to thrive.

What is a balanced diet?

We believe a balanced diet can and should include fruits and veggies. We are not demonizing eating your vegetables. That said, we also recommend a whole-food diet that consists of healthy proteins, like meat, chicken,and seafood. Yes, meat has been proven to be healthy and vitamin-rich. (4)

So, what do we recommend to our patients and anyone who wants to be healthy? We suggest a low-carb diet lifestyle that includes the foods we’ve mentioned, with some healthy fats like olive oil, nuts, and butter. Some consider this a ketogenic diet. (5) A keto diet can be effective for many health issues, including helping people lose weight, reducing skin problems, reversing type 2 diabetes, and more.

Is it restrictive?

A low-carb diet is not restrictive. That is another myth that many believe and it keeps them from trying this eating pattern. You don’t need to make gourmet meals that take hours in the kitchen, with tons of food prep required. It also doesn’t have to be boring, with the same thing every day.

You can use something like our Heal Yourself cookbook, and have a delicious low-carb meal ready for your family in thirty minutes or less. Your taste buds will thank you and so will your overall health.

Benefits of low-carb eating

If you’re wondering how beneficial a low-carb diet may be, we have some answers that may surprise you. Although it isn’t the popular mainstream media approach to eating, we think it’s the healthiest diet you can follow. We have evidence to back that up, too. (6) Here are only some of the benefits a low-carb diet may include:

Improved cognition Better digestion Reduced inflammation Steady energy Better overall skin health Increase in good cholesterol Reduction in unhealthy cholesterol Weight loss Decreased hunger Can reduce cancer risks

With so many ways a low-carb diet can improve your well-being, you see why we recommend this lifestyle in our clinic. It’s also the diet we follow to be healthy.

Follow the real experts

We aren’t trying to step on toes here. The problem is that so many are claiming to be experts, and these people can lead you down an unhealthy road. Documentaries on streaming platforms aren’t always providing you with sound nutritional advice. We help people who are unsure about appropriate dietary choices all the time.

We’re committed to providing you with the most current, scientifically-backed research available. That’s why we encourage you not to participate in the current plant-based diet, with fillers, additives, and harmful ingredients that can leave you inflamed and susceptible to sickness. If you’re ready to learn how to take control of your health and become a wellness warrior, contact us today to find out how functional medicine can help you reach your health and fitness goals.


Dr. Nick Zyrowski
Dr. Nick Zyrowski

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