Systemic Formula Bio Extract: Cats-A-Tonic

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Systemic Formula Bio Extract: Cats-A-Tonic is a herbal extract combines the Cat’s Claw herb (Uña de Gato – Uncaria tomentosa) with herbalomic botanicals, accompanied by a synergistic blend of trace minerals to enhance the formula’s overall impact. It helps support healthy immune function.

Systemic Formula Bio Extract: Cats-A-Tonic Indications:

  • Immune support for normal relations with virus, bacteria and fungus
  • Normal recovery support from herpes outbreaks
  • Digestive and intestinal support of healthy processes
  • Antioxidant support for the entire body

Systemic Formula Bio Extract: Cats-A-Tonic Ingredients:

Cat’s Claw –Oxindole and Isopterododin molecules found in the bark and roots of Cat’s Claw have been documented in numerous research studies to help the normal immune function and its daily challenges via key alkaloids, antioxidants, and their impact to support normal metabolic functions.

• Stevia –Known primarily as an herb which sweetens beverages via proteins and not sugars, Stevia is also a well-respected herb with whole body supportive applications; especially for its documented ability to support normal immune system activities.

• Pau D’Arco –The world-famous rainforest herb well-researched for its impact on normal immune relations with the fungal forms that abound in the damp jungles of South America.

• Ascorbic Acid –A form of Vitamin C that assists the normal removal of cellular waste products.

• Beet Root –A food nutrient touted for assisting the body’s normal cleansing processes.

• Peach Bark –One of Doc Wheelwright’s favorite herbs to gently support the normal self-c


  • No egg
  • No Sugar
  • No Gluten
  • No GMO
  • No Dairy
  • Vegan

Packaging1 fl. oz. bottle (liquid)

Recommended Use: 

• Adults: 2-6 drops 3 times a day, orally, or as directed.

• Children: 1-2 drops in water, orally 3 times a day, or as directed.

Frequently Bought Together: 



Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.