Systemic Formulas S - Spleen

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Systemic Formulas S - Spleen nutritionally supports spleen health, which can influence the lymph and blood systems as well as maintain a healthy immune system. It helps the body rebuild the spleen. This is the foremost spleen support formula in Western nutrition that produces consistent results. Best taken at least 2 hours after or 1 hour before food.

Revered in Traditional Chinese Medicine but sorely neglected in Western Medical disciplines, the spleen serves the immune system with B and T lymphocytes; maintains the blood by removing damaged erythrocytes and storing platelets; and serves as a filter to the lymphatic system.

Systemic Formulas S - Spleen Indications:

  • Immune system normal support 
  • Lymphatic system normal support
  • Blood constituent support
  • “Damp Spleen” concept (TCM)

Systemic Formulas S - Spleen Ingredients:

  • Sweet Gum Tree Bark – Liquidambar styraciffua. In Chinese medicine, sweet gum is known as Lu Lu Tong “all roads open.” Promotes movement (blood/lymph) and opens channels (ch’i).
  • RNA/DNA Spleen Factors – Specific support for the spleen’s cellular identity and tissue integrity via organized amino acids, peptides, and nucleoprotein structures..
  • RNA/DNA Pancreas Factors – Specific support for the pancreas’ cellular identity and tissue integrity via organized amino acids, peptides, and nucleoprotein structures.
  • RNA/DNA Liver Factors – Specific support for the livers’ cellular identity and tissue integrity via organized amino acids, peptides, and nucleoprotein structures.
  • L-Leucine – An essential, branched chain amino acid known in science research to support the body’s natural antitumorigenesis processes. Manages other proteins, stabilizes cellular metabolic processes.
  • L-Isoleucine – An essential, branched chain amino acid that provides myriad benefits to cellular metabolic processes.
  • L-Methionine – An essential amino acid. Supplies sulfur that makes antioxidant nutrients. A methyl donor.
  • L-Lysine – An essential amino acid with research indicating it supports the body’s normal antitumorigenesis processes and supports normal spleen tissue.
  • Pedra Hume Caa – A rainforest herb used in South American herbal traditions for the spleen/pancreas axis, thus often indicated as spleen-supportive in Brazilian herbal texts.

Count: 60 capsules Per Eco Bottle

Recommended Dosage: 1-3 capsules up to twice a day for 1-3 months, or as directed. Then, take as needed for maintenance.

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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.