Systemic Formulas PRO - Nutro Protein

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Systemic Formulas PRO - Nutro Protein provides essential amino acids and peptide chains commonly deficient in today's average diet; it enhances and completes the protein structure, thereby allowing the body to assimilate up to three times more protein without added fats and carbohydrates through a process of enhancing and easing protein absorption. Additionally. this formula preserves the lymphatic nucleoprotein pool essential for healthy body functions.

Throughout the history of nutrition, there’s been a focus on “managing proteins” because they are necessary for immunity and cell repair. While it’s not necessary to eat all 20 amino acids, or all 9 essential amino acids in one meal because the body will complete the weak links, doing so does help conserve the valuable nucleo-protein (small chain) amino acids to have a complete array of amino acids in a protein meal. Oftentimes a meal can be lacking an essential amino acid, e.g. pea soup lacks methionine. Thus supplementation can help complete the protein structures for overall nutrition enhancement.

COUNT: 60 capsules

RECOMMENDED USAGE: 1-3 capsules up to twice a day, or as directed. Then, take as needed for maintenance. Increase the amount of liquids you drink each day while taking this product.


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.