Iodine Restore

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Iodine is an essential trace element, recognized for its traditional role in thyroid hormone synthesis. Iodine is directly incorporated into thyroxine (T4) and the biologically active form of the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3).[1,2]

Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism and energy production throughout the body and, in turn, affect:

  • Core body temperature
  • Growth
  • Reproduction
  • Protein synthesis (including the formation of hair and skin)
  • Neuromuscular function

Celarity Iodine Restore also has antioxidant activity which plays a critical role in intellectual development, endocrine function, and reproductive system and breast health. Approximately 15-20 mg of iodine is concentrated in the thyroid and thyroid hormones, while 70% of the body’s iodine is distributed in other tissues, including the mammary glands, ovaries, eyes, gastric mucosa, cervix, and salivary glands. [3,8,9]

Iodine Sources

Iodine intake through seaweed consumption within the Japanese culture is naturally higher than in other populations. Current estimates put Japanese daily intake of iodine from seaweed at 1-3 mg/d[10]; but previous estimates have been much higher, such as 5.3-13.8 mg/d, and even as high as 50-80 mg/d.[2,3] Over the last 25 years, the consumption of (iodized) table salt by US citizens has decreased by 65% as a result of people trying to reduce their sodium intake for health reasons.[2] This in turn translates there has been a huge decrease in the amount of iodine consumed within the American diet over the years. 

Iodine Sufficiency

Iodine sufficiency is a controversial topic. According to some iodine experts, the requirement of the whole human body for iodine is about 14 mg/d or more (6 mg/d needed for the thyroid gland, the rest for extra-thyroidal tissues).[12] Although there is not a general agreement, many experts agree that the focus of sufficiency cannot be solely based on the thyroid alone, but rather it must address whole body sufficiency.*[2]

Iodine Supplementation

Iodine Restore reflects the forms and ratios of iodine found in Lugol’s solution—a liquid combination of molecular iodine and potassium iodide that has been safely and effectively utilized since 1829.[3,15,16] Iodine Restore provides 12.5 mg of iodine per capsule, with a breakdown of 5 mg of molecular iodine and 7.5 mg of potassium iodide. Due to the “high-potency” dose of iodine in Iodine Restore, individuals should consult their healthcare practitioner prior to use regarding any medical conditions, including thyroid conditions, and any possible interactions with medications. High doses should be monitored by a knowledgeable healthcare professional.* 

    Symptoms of Low Iodine Levels

    • A visible goiter
    • Thyroid gland that’s painful or tender to the touch
    • Breathing difficulties, especially when lying down
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Fatigue
    • Extreme feelings of coldness, despite normal temperatures
    • Hair loss
    • Depression
    • Brain fog
    • Unintentional weight gain

    Benefits of Celarity Iodine Restore

    • Promotes Healthy Thyroid
    • Reduces Risk of Goiters (Enlarged Thyroid Gland)
    • Neurodevelopment During Pregnancy
    • Improving Cognitive Function
    • Protection From Nuclear Fallout
    • Treating Infections

      Celarity Company Statement

      Celarity Iodine Restore is a state of the art product that is pharmaceutical grade and only to be sold by licensed practitioners. Celarity prides itself on being on the forefront of innovation in the natural health and holistic healing field. Celarity also prides itself on working with innovative doctors who are disruptors in the health care field.

      Count: 90 capsules

      Recommended Usage:Take one capsule daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use. Individuals taking medication should discuss potential interactions with their healthcare practitioner. Do not use if tamper seal is damaged.

      Does Not Contain: Wheat, gluten, yeast, soy, animal or dairy products, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, egg, ingredients derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, or artificial preservatives.


      1. Linus Pauling Institute: Micronutrient Information Center. Iodine. http://lpi.

      2. Miller D. Extrathyroidal benefits of iodine. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. 2006;11(4):106-10.

      3. Patrick L. Iodine: deficiency and therapeutic considerations. Altern Med Rev. 2008 Jun;13(2):116-27. [PMID: 18590348]

      4. Natural Medicines: Iodine. databases/food,-herbs-supplements/professional.aspx?productid=35. Accessed March 20, 2015. 9. Iodine and the body. Iodine Research Web site.

      5. ovaries.html. 





      Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.