Systemic Formulas ATAK - Immune Rejuvenator

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Systemic Formulas ATAK - Immune Rejuvenator addresses immunological support from the unique stand point of transporting essential botanical factors with rapid assimilation to support immunological response. This herbal extract is designed to provide nutrients used in production of macrophages and optimal extracellular matrix chemistry via tayuya, echinacea, and pau d arco and other herbalomic factors. ATAK is a great immune boosting supplement to use, especially during the winter months.

If you'd prefer to take this as a liquid, we recommend looking at Imperial Ataker.

Systemic Formulas ATAK - Immune Rejuvenator Indications:

Systemic Formulas ATAK - Immune Rejuvenator Ingredients: 

COUNT: 60 capsules

RECOMMENDED USAGE: 1-2 capsules, up to twice a day for 2-4 weeks, or as directed. Then, take as needed for maintenance.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.