Complete 90 Day Cellular Detox Package

The Complete 90 Day Cellular Detox Package

90 Days of Training, Supplementation, and Testing for Complete Detoxification


90 days of training and supplementation to deeply detox your body and your life. This product is both convenient and the most comprehensive kit we offer.

Products included in this kit:

  1. 90 Day Cellular Detox Educational Program
  2. True Cellular Detox: Prep Phase
  3. True Cellular Detox: Body Phase
  4. True Cellular Detox: Brain Phase
  5. Four Meta-Oxy Tests
  6. Vitality Release Drops

The Complete 90 Day Cellular Detox Package is specifically designed to give you everything you need to have a successful detox. This package will support the detoxification of organs, detox the cells, and remove toxins from your body. Our world is more toxic than ever before. We are exposed to thousands of chemicals on a daily basis, from the food we eat, to the chemicals we use to clean, to the water we drink. Even heavy metals such as mercury and lead find their way into our bodies through a variety of different sources. 

The Result?

Our bodies are sicker than ever before. Chronic inflammation is the result of this toxicity epidemic. Inflammation is cited by thousands of research articles as being the primary cause of disease. If you are looking to truly heal your body naturally, then you must remove these toxins from your body and from your life.

Introducing the Complete 90 Day Cellular Detox Package.

This comprehensive 90 day Cellular Detox Package includes 90 days worth of training, supplementation, lab tests, and dietary assistance to help YOU fully detox your body, cells, home, and life.

  • The 90 Day Cellular Detox Educational Program is taught by DrZyrowski, who has helped thousands of clients to successfully change their lifestyles and reverse health conditions. This program was specifically designed to ensure all clients have the necessary tools they need to succeed, including supplementation training videos, detoxification education, over 60 anti-inflammatory recipes, meal plan, shopping list, and more tools to help you detox your body, diet, and life.
  • The 3 True Cellular Detox phases by Systemic Formulas were formulated to heal the trillions of cells in your body and decrease chronic inflammation.
  • The 4 Meta-Oxy Tests are included so you can measure how much cell membrane damage is occurring in your body at any given time. These tests should be used periodically during your 90 Day Cellular Detox Program so that you can tell how your detox is working.
  • Vitality Release Drops give you extra support for your detox. The Vitality Release Drops safely remove heavy metal toxins from your body, decrease inflammation, and supportweight loss.

Let’s further discuss the benefits of the individual products.


Three 20 Minute Consultations with Dr. Zyrowski

In these 20 minute sessions, you’ll get the opportunity to work with Dr. Zyrowski one-on-one to help prepare yourself for the detoxification process. You may choose to do the consultations either before or after each phase. Having customized support will help you maximize your results from the 90 day cellular detox.

When you get the full package delivered to you, give us a call and one of our staff members will assist you in scheduling the consultations.

Detox supplements are an important piece to the detox puzzle, but as a stand-alone, optimal results may be out of your reach. You must remove the source of toxins, follow the detox diet, and make the necessary lifestyle changes to amplify your results. Get coaching from Dr. Zyrowski on how to use these True Cellular Detox supplements in his

90 Day Cellular Detox Program.

In this self-paced guide, Dr. Zyrowski shows you exactly how to remove toxins from your body, diet and home. Your online program comes with:

  • Thorough step-by-step videos on how to take the  cellular detox supplements
  • Instructional guides through each of the True Cellular Detox phases
  • The 90 Day Cellular Detox Diet, Guidelines, and Shopping List
  • A Monthly Meal Plan with over 60 anti-inflammatory recipes
  • A 90 Day Detox Manual to educate on how to identify and remove toxic exposures in your life
  • Training videos on how to perform a Meta-Oxy test
  • So many more amazing bonuses and benefits to keep you on track and getting results!


True Cellular Detox: Prep Phase
The Systemic Formulas Prep Phase prepares the cellular purification and downstream purification pathways for safe and effective elimination by establishing methylation, nourishing cellular receptors, and reseeding the gut with high-potency probiotics.

  • Assist in preparing the body and brain for cleansing.
  • Support optimal liver and kidney function.
  • Provides high-potency probiotics.
  • Supports cellular purification.

True Cellular Detox: Body Phase

Impurities move from higher concentration to lower, thus preparing the body is crucial before the purification of the brain. In the body phase, you will take methylation support to the next level, achieve liver enterohepatic circulation cycle cleansing, enter the first level of intracellular cleaning, and support the mitochondria for optimal cellular energy.

  • Assist in preparing the body for purification of the brain.
  • Assist healthy liver enterophepatic circulation cycle cleansing.
  • Supports normal methylation processes.
  • Supports normal mitochondria function for optimal cellular energy.


True Cellular Detox: Brain Phase
The ultimate goal is to nourish and cleanse the brain, and nerve tissue using fat-soluble “true binders”. The Systemic Formulas Brain Phase allows deep cleansing of the cell and binds impurities for safe elimination. While giving intracellular and neuronal antioxidant support, and multi-mineral support for optimal brain health.

  • Assist in purifying the brain.
  • Supports safe elimination of impurities.
  • Supports normal brain function.
  • Provides intracellular and neuronal antioxidant support.

Meta-Oxy Inflammation Test (4 Test Kits Included)
This test is one of the most important tests you can do for your health. The Meta-Oxy test measures how much cell membrane damage is occurring in your body. It’s a simple at home test kit that measures oxidative stress. Oxidative stress results when the amount of free radical formation exceeds the capacity of the antioxidant defense system. It is related to a number of pathological conditions including: cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal system disorders, inflammation and aging. The Systemic Formula’s Meta-Oxy test is 50 times more accurate than a blood test.

  • Measures cell membrane oxidation
  • 50x more accurate than blood testing
  • 4 inflammation tests are included and are to be taken at various set points throughout the program.

Vitality Release Drops
Vitality Release Drops is a soluble zeolite solution that offers safe, simple and systemic cellular detoxification support. Vitality Drops have the ability to passively cross the membranes in the body, both the cellular and the blood brain barrier, offering superior detoxification support.

  • Safely remove heavy metals from the brain tissues, cells and body. (Ex. Mercury, cadmium, arsenic, lead, cesium, strontium, aluminum, uranium and others.)
  • Effectively remove bio toxins like black mold spores and Lyme spirochetes.
  • Remove environmental toxins that appear in our food and drinking water such as fluoride, chlorine, bromide, pesticides and volatile organic compound.
  • Allow increase absorption of essential nutrients and minerals.
  • Increase cell hydration, allowing for increase cellular fluidity making the cell more efficient, increasing energy and vitality.
  • Reduce cellular body fat while increasing basal metabolic rate and lean mass.
  • Stop and eliminate replication of abnormal cells.
  • Decrease inflammation.
  • Increase energy, focus and clarity of mind.
  • Increase restful sleep allowing you to feel rejuvenated and alive. • Increase electrical activity in the brain enhancing memory.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Do you stop taking your normal vitamins? Do we continue to eat organic and fast like I currently do? I watched the videos and am a certified health coach as well as how I do not use chemicals on my body or eat that I am aware of, so no idea why my reading is so high unless it stays in your body your entire life. Because before my late 20s I was clueless like most others, just surprised nothing has left my system this entire time if that is the case. Thanks!

--Great question! To answer your question on vitamins, we encourage you to check the supplement facts to see if there are any doubling or interactions between the 90 day cellular detox kit and your vitamins. You may find that you do not have to take your daily vitamins while on the detox program. For instance, the program has probiotics, many vitamins and minerals, and omegas built into the supplementation in order to support cellular integrity during the detox. As for the test results, toxins do store in the deep tissues of your body, which may be why you're experiencing the high levels. Exposures to lead, mold, mercury, or other bio toxins could be the culprit. To answer your question, yes, you'd want to eat an organic (or as much organic as possible), grain-free, anti-inflammatory diet (more details on this within the program), and can continue to intermittent fast while on the detox. We do discourage prolonged fasts while detoxing (24+ hours), but IF is okay.


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*Products can be purchased separately. These statements have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat or diagnose. Consult your doctor prior to starting any new supplements, vitamins, or detoxification program.