You are the average of the 5 people you hang around

by Dr. Nick Zyrowski March 05, 2024

You are the average of the 5 people you hang around.

If you look at the people around you and don't like what you see, you will also look in the mirror and not like what you see.

One of the major keys to having good health is to create a environment that produces it. Don't set yourself up for failure.

Let me ask you this... What are the chances of you eating healthy if everyone around you is eating fast food all day? What are the chances of you exercising when your peer group has never exercised a day in their life and thinks its stupid? What do you think the chances are of you thriving in your health when your family all around you is riddled with disease and on 10 different medications. STOP being complacent.

I'm very particular of who I let into my circle because I know how contagious it is to take the easy road. The problem is the easy road leads to a life of suffering.... Pay now or pay later. Suffer now or suffer later.

Id rather suffer in the gym every day than suffer under chemo, radiation, AND fist fulls of medication.... what kind of life is that?

Im always going to tell you the truth and sometimes the truth is dark.

There are people in your life that need to go. All those people who gave you a hard time because you were eating healthy when they weren't. All those people who didn't support you when you started exercising and developing healthy habits. All the people who supported you becoming sick and unhealthy and said nothing.... time for them to go.

You deserve better than that.... you need better than that. Your life literally depends on you being better than that.

I care about your health immensely and want to see you thrive in 2024. Get people in your corner that want to see you thrive. Individuals who will cultivate that dream health with you so that its no longer a dream, but your reality.

Stay Healthy!

Dr. Z

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Dr. Nick Zyrowski
Dr. Nick Zyrowski

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