Worse than lack of intelligence

by Dr. Nick Zyrowski March 25, 2024

Willful Blindness is worse than lack of intelligence...

One who lacks intelligence can be taught and is willing to learn. This individual has the opportunity for change... they can re-create themselves.

The individual suffering from Willfull Blindness is not willing to learn... and unfortunately will never change.

Willful blindness is a great temptation. You could know the truth... you could have the answer... but your turn away, because it's easier to stay in your comfort zone.

Do you walk in Willful Blindness when in comes to your health?

Do you know what is necessary to direct your health down the right path, but turn it away?

Are you in poor health and lie to yourself daily... telling yourself everything is alright?

As you age and health problems + symptoms pile on, do you tell yourself... this is normal, just part of aging?

If you are living in Willfull Blindness, chances are you don't even realize it. I have performed over 25,000 patient care visits. I can tell you that most people walk in Willfull Blindness in regards to health.

Not sure if you do? Here is a clue - Your health is trash and you stood by and let it happen.

Btw... I'm not judging you. I catch myself doing stupid stuff all the time... laziness... lack of discipline... but I identify the issue and make change. I just want you to live the best possible life you can live, and have great health.

Most terrible health conditions are caused by Willful Blindness. If your health isn't what you want it to be, it's because you ignored reality for too long.

You have many of the answers to the problems you face. For the answers you don't have... find someone who does have them.

When I was sick in college, suffering from autoimmune symptoms, rashes, severe gut issues and brain fog... I didn't have the answers.

I found a doctor who I trusted and begged him to work with me. I paid him money I didn't have. That was the answer. Be willing to see the problem, identify your blindspot, and do whatever it takes to become better. You will then have great health.

Stay Healthy!

Dr. Z http://store.nuvisionhealthcenter.com

Dr. Nick Zyrowski
Dr. Nick Zyrowski

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