Systemic Formula VIVI - Virox

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Systemic Formulas VIVI - Virox helps the body when dealing with viruses, fungi, and bacteria by utilizing Lomatium dissecutim and Pau D’ Arco. These have been proven to assist this process by American and Brazilian Indian herbal traditions, as well as University studies that validated Lomatium’s effectiveness against staphylococcus and streptococcus as well as being on par with penicillin for 15 species of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Considered to be the world’s premier anti-viral formulation. The factors in Lomatium are reported to have saved thousands of lives in San Francisco during global influenza pandemic of 1913.

Doc Wheelwright learned about lomatium from the Native Americans and was commissioned after becoming a medicine man to bring it forth for the healing of all people in light of the new, viral challenges arising at the end of the 20th Century. Known as the sacred, black, wild carrot, (Leptotoenia or Lomatium dissectum), it is one a Nature’s most potent infection fighters. Wheelwright found its balancing component in Brazilian Pau D’Arco, and thus created the VIVI formula.


  • Powerful and Natural Antiviral
  • Supports Respiratory Concerns
  • Supports Virus Activity with the Liver
  • Potent Immune Support
  • Clinical Relevant Dosing 


Pao D’Arco – active principles, mainly lapachol, quercetin and other flavonoids, an expectorant (promotes “coughing up” by the lungs in order to free mucus and contaminants that had been lodged there), strengthens the immune system, its compounds support the immune system’s ability to control fungal and bacterial species plus some viral forms.

Bitter Almond Oil – febrifuge: toxicity and bitterness effectively inhibits the growth of infections from bacteria, protozoa, or viruses in the body, thereby reducing fever. Antispasmodic. Bactericidal, Germicidal, Fungicidal and Antiviral. Diuretic: promotes the natural tendency to remove toxic substances through sweat, urine and bowel excretion.

Jojoba Oil – anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial.

Leptotaenia Oil (Lomatium Dissectum) – antibacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. Bronchial, intestinal and urinary antiseptic. One of Nature’s great anti-viral botanicals. Lamatium came to the forefront during the SARS (Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome) epidemic as Lomatium dissecutim was found to be a specific anti-SARS herb.

Vitamin E – antioxidant, protects against oxidative stress caused by free radicals and supports cellular metabolic processes. Prevents rancidity of oils.

    COUNT: 30 capsules

    Frequently Bought Together:

    RECOMMENDED USAGE: 1-3 capsules up to twice a day for 2-4 weeks, or as directed. Then, take as needed for maintenance. Best to not use during pregnancy or during nursing. 


    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.