Vitality Release Drops

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Vitality Detox Drops is now Vitality True Health Release Drops

Vitality True Health Release Drops is the same one-of-a-kind formula that has been improved.

What does that mean?

Vitality True Health has increased the concentration of our existing formula, making Vitality even more effective and efficient, which is great news! You will probably notice the taste is slightly more bitter which is due to the increase of Vitamin C. The Vitamin C in the drops is more potent because it assists as a carrier for the higher concentration. The result is that Vitality's new Release Drops are more potent and effective than ever.

What is Vitality Release Drops?

Vitality Release Drops is a soluble zeolite solution that offers safe, simple, and systemic cellular detoxification support. Vitality Drops have the ability to passively cross the membranes in the body, both the cellular and the blood brain barrier, offering superior detoxification support.

What can the Vitality Drops (Clinoptilolite Fragments) do for me?

  • Safely remove heavy metals from the brain tissues, cells, and body. (Ex. Mercury, cadmium, arsenic, lead, cesium, strontium, aluminum, uranium, and others.)
  • Effectively remove bio toxins like black mold spores and Lyme spirochetes.
  • Remove environmental toxins that appear in our food and drinking water such as fluoride, chlorine, bromide, pesticides, and a volatile organic compound.
  • Allow increase absorption of essential nutrients and minerals.
  • Increase cell hydration, allowing for increase cellular fluidity making the cell more efficient, increasing energy and vitality.
  • Reduce cellular body fat while increasing basal metabolic rate and lean mass.
  • Stop and eliminate replication of abnormal cells.
  • Decrease inflammation.
  • Passively cross membranes for maximum detoxification
  • Increase energy, focus, and clarity of mind.
  • Increase restful sleep allowing you to feel rejuvenated and alive.
  • Increase electrical activity in the brain enhancing memory.

What is Zeolite Solution?

Natural zeolites were created in nature thousands of years ago when volcanic ash reacted with the seawater. Zeolite is a mineral that has a negative charge and a honeycomb-like structure that cages the toxins and allows them to be eliminated from the body.

What are Vitality Release Drops (Hydrolyzed Liquid Zeolite)?

The Vitality Release Drops is a unique water-soluble zeolite solution that utilizes the most advanced technology for delivering a safe and non-toxic zeolite product systemically. The water-soluble fragments found in Vitality Release Drops are over a million times smaller than other zeolite formulas out on the market today and have the powerful capability to passively cross membranes in the body, including the blood brain barrier, to remove heavy metals. Vitality Release Drops is the gold standard in zeolite formulas available today. We have chosen to use Vitality Release Drops over CytoDetox in our clinic due to the results we've seen from using Vitality Release Drops. 

Why Vitality Release Drops?

  • Vitality Release Drops' molecule is the most advanced and safe water-soluble Zeolite product available on the market.
  • Vitality Release Drops naturally cleanse your cells and brain from toxins.
  • Has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier effectively allowing for an efficient running brain.
  • Vitality Release Drops have never been under scrutiny by the FDA, unlike leading competitors.
  • Decreases inflammation, balances hormones, supports weight loss as a result of removing harmful toxins.
  • Removes harmful toxins identified by the World Health Organization to be the culprit for 90% of all chronic health issues.

Safe Systemic Cellular Detoxification Support

Vitality Release Drops help passively cross membranes in the body, including the blood-brain barrier. The Vitality Release Drops make detoxifying easier and more effective than ever.

COUNT: 1 fl oz.

RECOMMENDED USAGE: Recommended for adults. Take 10 drops orally, twice daily (morning and night), or as directed by your health care practitioner.

CAUTION: If you are pregnant or nursing, consult with your health care practitioner before use. Keep out of reach of children.

STORAGE: Keep in a cool dry place.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have to take these drops every day forever or do you just take these for a certain amount of time to detox and then stop? How long does a 1 oz. bottle last?

--Thank you for your questions. Vitality is geared towards long-term passive detoxification. Since we are exposed to toxins on a daily basis, detox is something that we can constantly be mindful of. But to answer your question, the dosage and length of use depend on the level of toxicity you are dealing with, on a case to case basis. If you wanted more specific answers, we would recommend you reach out to us directly. A bottle lasts about 30 days.

Does zeolite bind to minerals in your body like other binders? Is there any need for supplementation of any minerals when taking this?

--Great question! It does bind to minerals as well. We recommend taking [MIN-Mineral Plus]( as well.


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.