Natural Remedies to Calm Heart Palpitations

by Dr. Nick Zyrowski October 09, 2023

Heart palpitations may only last for a few seconds at a time, but it may feel like a lifetime. Many people are plagued by these sensations and they can occur at any time, even when you’re lying down or standing still. You don’t always need medical intervention to help rid you of these palpitations. In most situations, nothing is seriously wrong, and you can take care of them with natural remedies that work quickly. We’ll show you how in this article.

What are heart palpitations?

Heart palpitations will sometimes feel like your heart is skipping a few beats. It may also feel like a pounding sensation, fluttering, or racing heartbeat. Some people describe it as a flip-flopping in their chest. (1) They can be a little worrisome but they aren’t typically serious. You should mention it to your health practitioner and get it checked if you’re concerned. In most cases, there are reasons for the change, and these can be reversed through lifestyle modifications, diet, and appropriate supplements.

Reasons for palpitations

When it’s nothing serious, there are other reasons for those heart sensations you’ve been experiencing. Often these are accompanied by stressful times. We live in a world where stress has become the norm. We don’t even think about it anymore. Life is busy, and we are constantly chasing the next accomplishment without taking the time to appreciate what we’ve done. People are on the move frequently and this can come with strong emotional responses.

If you started exercising more, your palpitations may be a result of the new routine. Make sure you build up your tolerance level and don’t overdo it the first few months. Movement is good, but you want to do it at a healthy pace.

Dehydration is a big reason for heart palpitations. That can happen when people begin a fasting protocol because they don’t drink enough water with electrolytes. Your body needs minerals, and when you don’t get enough sodium, magnesium, and potassium in your diet, you may experience more heart palpitations. (2)

Too much caffeine is a huge problem for many of us. We use it to wake up and keep going even when we need more rest. Being over-caffeinated can cause your heart to race and feel as if it is skipping beats.

Now that you know the common causes of heart palpitations, we will show you the simple methods you can use that will reign in those frustrating sensations. The best thing is that none of these require a pharmaceutical drug.

Drink more water

Don’t ignore the simple items that can make a big impact on your life. Many people are chronically dehydrated and have no idea why they feel so bad. Dehydration puts a strain on your heart as it works harder to pump blood through your arteries and veins. (3) Your blood becomes too thick without enough water.

If you notice your heart racing, try drinking a glass of water and see how you feel. Often that’s enough to calm the sensation. You can also add some healthy electrolytes to your water to get the minerals you need to keep your cells hydrated. These will support your fluid balance with the proper nutrients.

Use relaxation techniques

Sometimes stress is a part of life and can be unavoidable. Learning how to harness it and manage stress with the proper methods can change how you feel. You can try different options to see what fits you best. Some recommendations are meditation, yoga, and journaling. You can even try a combination to see if it helps you better than using one technique alone.

Breathing exercises can be beneficial, too. Taking some slow, deep breaths or using the box breathing method can reduce stress in a few minutes. (4)

Take magnesium

Magnesium has been referred to as a relaxation mineral. It helps calm sore muscles, and many people take it for a better night’s sleep. Many of us are deficient in magnesium, and that alone can cause all sorts of health issues, including heart palpitations. (5) Getting enough quality magnesium keeps your heart pumping on the proper schedule, regulates your blood sugar, and helps keep your muscles and nerves functioning well.

Reduce stimulants

We mentioned that too much caffeine can cause heart palpitations. There are other stimulants you may not have thought of, like appetite suppressants, cold medications, tobacco products, and beverages like sodas and energy drinks. You want to avoid these as much as possible because they can trigger palpitations.

You may also want to ask your doctor about any prescription medication you’re taking that could increase heart palpitations. If you drink alcohol, limit your consumption. Heavy alcohol use can trigger frequent heart palpitations. (6)

Eat healthy foods

We mention this frequently, but the importance of a healthy diet cannot be overstated. When you fill your plate with processed foods and artificial flavors, it can wreck your health. You want to consume whole foods that contain the nutrients your body needs to function well. Rather than processed foods, be sure you eat whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and animal proteins. (7)

Limit the number of fast food meals you eat, which are loaded with unhealthy oils and chemicals. Instead, prepare healthy meals ahead of time so you always have a plan. That doesn’t mean you need to spend countless hours in the kitchen trying to be the next Julia Child. Simple meals that contain protein and healthy veggies can make a huge difference in how you feel throughout the week.

Don’t panic

We wanted to add this to the list because we know that health issues can seem frightening at first. Anything that deals with your heart can be scary, but since most heart palpitations are not serious, this is not a cause for alarm. When you worry, you often increase your heart rate, which will make those symptoms worse. Try to remain calm and make some simple changes that can pay huge dividends in a short time.

Move more

We were not meant to live sedentary lives. Our ancestors got plenty of exercise because it’s how they gathered food and found shelter. Today, many of us work indoors and at desks. We don’t get enough exercise to stay healthy. You can start with ten minutes of walking and increase as you’re able over time. Cardiovascular exercise is good for your heart and can prevent or reduce the number of heart palpitations you get. (8)

Remedies that work

Sometimes we go through pain and suffering before we make changes. If you are currently having heart palpitations, you know how frustrating these symptoms can be and often a little scary. These remedies can work wonders for many and are easy to implement today. Don’t wait to start feeling better. Once you make these lifestyle connections to your health, you can incorporate the proper changes to feel your best. We are here to help you every step of the way with a team of professionals focused on wellness. Contact us today for more information on our state-of-the-art approach that combines the proper pillars for true health.

References :,Fluttering%20sensation%20in%20your%20chest,anemia%2C%20heart%20disease%20or%20hyperthyroidism.

Dr. Nick Zyrowski
Dr. Nick Zyrowski

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