12 Supplements You Should Take When Doing the Keto Diet

by Patti Croft October 14, 2021

The ketogenic diet has grown in popularity over the last several years. Many people report incredible health benefits from this way of eating, and some see weight loss that is easier than it's ever been before. Dieters find they drop body fat and retain muscle. 

In case you don't know about the keto diet, it's a way of eating where you have dietary restrictions on carbohydrates. It is a high-fat, moderate-protein diet that aims to cut out sugar. When you reduce your carbohydrates enough, you get into a state of ketosis. That's where your body will burn fat for fuel instead of using stored sugar.

Some people are hesitant to try the keto diet because they are concerned about missing vital nutrients. Many have also heard about the dreaded keto flu and decide to avoid this diet to dodge the nasty side effects. What you should know is there are supplements that will help you boost your immune system while you keep those carbs at bay.

Today there are more keto-friendly options than ever. You can find recipes all over the internet due to the enormous popularity the diet has gained. You can eat a ketogenic diet and still get the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Let's get into the 12 supplements you should take when doing the keto diet!

1. Magnesium

Since magnesium is responsible for over 300 biochemical processes in the body, it is good to keep this supplement stocked. When practicing keto, you may not get enough of this crucial mineral. What you may think of as the keto flu may simply be a lack of magnesium.

Magnesium-rich foods like leafy greens, fatty fish, avocados, and pumpkin seeds can lower magnesium deficiency. Still, when you are on a dietary restriction, you may find that you don't get enough minerals that keep you feeling well. Supplementing with magnesium can reduce or remove the effects of the keto flu.

Some proponents of the keto diet also complain of constipation. Taking in a quality magnesium supplement, such as magnesium glycinate or magnesium citrate, can help keep you regular. It can also relieve muscle cramps that some people experience when they first try keto.

2. Electrolytes

When you first begin a ketogenic diet, you will lose some water weight. You may notice low energy levels, brain fog, headaches, and even insomnia. Your body needs electrolytes to regulate the water distribution of your cells. Electrolytes also send electrical charges throughout your body. That's how our nerve cells communicate. An adequate amount of electrolytes keeps our hearts beating, helps us think clearly, and keeps blood flowing through our veins.

When you lose water, you will excrete critical electrolytes. People eating a low-carb diet may need an electrolyte supplement than other dieters because they are losing more water. You are also taking in fewer carbs, so you may naturally remove some foods that contain these minerals. Supplementing with electrolytes will help with this nutrient deficiency and stave off keto flu symptoms.

3. Potassium

When you remove carbs from your diet, it's easy to reduce the amount of potassium you get. Potassium is another mineral our bodies need to function properly. Most electrolyte drinks will contain at least some amount of potassium. It helps our nerves function and gives muscles the ability to contract.

You can eat dark, leafy greens to get in more potassium while on a ketogenic diet. Unfortunately, it is also found in root vegetables and fruits, which you won't be having if you want to stick to your dietary restrictions. If you need more potassium, a supplement is the way to go.

4. MCT Oil

MCT oil is popular in many keto communities. Medium-chain triglycerides get broken down by the liver and go into the bloodstream quickly. There, they can get used as fuel for your brain and body. Many people use MCT oil in their morning coffee or smoothies to give them an extra boost before work or exercise.

Supplementing with MCT oilcan give you more fat in your diet, which is what you want while doing keto. It may help with weight loss and keep you full for long periods. Some even add MCT oil and butter to coffee when doing intermittent fasting combined with a ketogenic diet. They report increased energy and long periods of satiety. To get more MCT oil, you can also add coconut oil into your diet. Coconut oil contains high amounts of medium-chain triglycerides.

5. Digestive Enzymes

People who begin the keto diet sometimes give up because of digestive issues. Changing to a high-fat diet can take some adjustment from your body. Keto diets usually consist of around 75 percent fat, and most of us eat the Standard American Diet, which includes tons of processed carbs instead.

If you get nausea or upset stomach, taking digestive enzymes can quickly help you feel better. These will help break down fats and proteins to ease the digestion process.

6. Ketones

When you want to get into ketosis faster, you may want to add in some ketone supplements. These get taken to increase the levels of ketones in your blood. Achieving this will help you burn fat and speed up muscle recovery. Many people will check their ketone levels to make sure they reach ketosis.

Taking ketones may decrease your appetite as well. When adjusting to dietary restrictions, these supplements may be extremely beneficial. You can also use ketones for energy instead of glucose which gets raised when consuming high amounts of carbs. Some dieters say they think more clearly when using ketones along with a ketogenic lifestyle.

7. Fish Oil

Our bodies need omega-3 fatty acids to fight inflammation. While on the keto diet, you may not consume enough of these essential acids. In addition, your body cannot create these acids. Therefore, you must get them from foods or supplements. A quality fish oil supplement will contain EPA and DHA. EPA is essential for optimal brain health and nerve function. DHA has been linked to brain health also, as well as the prevention of heart disease. Since these fatty acids are in fish and seafood, many people simply don't consume enough of them. The Standard American Diet is full of inflammatory oils higher in Omega-6 fatty acids and lower in essential Omega-3 fatty acids.

Keto dieters who use Omega-3 fatty acid supplements report decreased triglycerides, inflammatory markers, and insulin. Research also shows that taking an Omega-3 supplement can improve cardiovascular health. Many people rely on places like Amazon to get their supplements, but you should use caution when shopping for quality. Not all of them get created equally. To get a quality fish oil supplement, you want to know it has been carefully processed against oxidation. You want to get pure fish oil free of toxins and heavy metals, which can be found in lesser quality supplements.

8. Calcium

We've all heard that calcium is crucial for strong bones and healthy teeth. Yet, those who follow a keto diet may consume lower amounts of calcium-rich foods. Calcium can be found in veggies and fruits. It is also in grains and dairy. Since many of these foods get removed or restricted on a ketogenic diet, you won't take in as much calcium.

You can eat keto-friendly foods like sardines, salmon, and dark, leafy greens. If you can't get enough calcium through dietary means, you may want to take a calcium supplement. You can even get a combination supplement that has magnesium, vitamin d, and other nutrients included.

It is crucial to maintain proper calcium levels in your body. Sometimes high-fat diets can increase the acid content your body generates. Your kidneys have to filter that out. That can reduce the pH in your blood, which can lower bone density and increase the chances of producing kidney stones. Making sure you get in some calcium either in a quality supplement or diet is crucial when reducing carbohydrates.

9. Greens Powder

When some people suffer from obesity, they restrict their carbs even lower when they go on the keto diet. They want to lose weight quickly, so they cut as much out of their diet as possible. The problem with this is that they could also remove some pretty vital nutrients. When you can't get in enough veggies, you can supplement with a greens powder.

Vegetables contain tons of vitamins and nutrients your body needs. Any dietitian will tell you to eat more fruits and veggies for better healthcare. That can be tricky on a keto diet. An easy way to boost your vegetable intake is to use a greens powder. You can add it to smoothies, or you can mix it with water. Many of these contain all kinds of plants that can improve your overall health and wellness. If you have to cut out some fruits and veggies, taking a greens powder supplement can help fill in the nutritional gaps. The best thing is that you can get the benefits without the excess carbohydrates you don't want.

10. Protein Powder

It may seem odd to see protein powder on a list of keto supplements. Yet, many people on the keto diet get so consumed with getting in enough fat that they forget this diet calls for moderate, not low protein. When you increase your fat, it can be hard to get the amount of protein your body needs.

You want enough protein to stay in fat-burning mode while not overdoing it. Supplementing with protein powder is a great way to get more protein in your diet. While most people don't think of protein as a dietary supplement, it can be a needed addition to a keto lifestyle. You can take it with you and have a quick meal on the go that aids in weight loss and won't tax the digestive system. Protein powders come in different flavors, so they can also stave off cravings.

11. Fiber Supplement

A fiber supplement may not be the first thing you think of when changing your diet, but you need adequate amounts of fiber to keep things moving. Some dietitians say people who start a keto diet complain of cramps and constipation. That may be due to the lack of fiber in their diets.

If you don't get enough fiber, your digestive system will suffer. Fiber feeds the good bacteria in your gut. That is where your immune system flourishes. Fiber is found in whole foods like avocados, nuts, and leafy greens. When you can't get enough fiber in your diet, taking a fiber supplementwill help you get in the proper amount.

12. Collagen

You may have heard more about collagen lately. That is most likely due to more people understanding how important this supplement can be in a daily routine. Collagen is in connective tissues, bones, and skin. As we get older, we lose more collagen, so replacing that with a supplement can be incredibly beneficial.

Collagen can repair joint damage and help to reduce pain from achy muscles and bones. It reduces inflammation and keeps skin more elastic, so fine lines and wrinkles diminish. Many people take collagen to improve hair and nail growth as well.

When you follow a ketogenic diet, you eat more fat than protein. Since collagen is in many protein sources, many people don't get enough of it when they reduce their protein intake. Adding in some collagen is easy to do. You can supplement with it and add it to coffee, tea, or smoothies. You can get flavored collagen powder for creating a tasty shake. Some people bake with it to get in some added collagen benefits!

Keto Diet and Healthcare

In today's society, many people look for healthcare in the wrong places. The pharmaceutical industry makes billions of dollars when you get sick. Ultimately, you can control your wellness. You don't have to leave healthcare in the hands of anyone else.

Changing up your diet and supplement routine can change your entire life. You can see dramatic improvements in your health when you make your diet a priority. Incorporating quality supplements can help with missing nutrients and make you feel even better. A lifestyle based on whole foods and a natural supplement approach will keep you healthy for years to come. True health is all about wellness, and that starts on the inside!

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Patti Croft
Patti Croft

Patti Croft is a Certified Health Data Analyst with a thirst for all things natural and holistic. Coupled with her MBA, Patti uses her skill set here at NuVision Health Center to dive into the research. Her expertise is in taking complex medical data and delivering it in a way that readers can understand and implement into their lives.

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