You are unique. Your vitamins should be as unique as you are. Vita-ID are personalized vitamin packs created based on your health by a certified nutritionist.
Get your vitamins personalized by a nutritionist!
Forget "custom" vitamin packs that are autogenerated by a computer. Get live help from a certified nutritionist instead!
Our Vita-ID Personalized Vitamin Packs created for each customer based on their individual health needs. Each health assessment is assigned to a certified nutritionist at NuVision Health Center. Your health assessment is analyzed by your nutritionist and a custom vitamin pack is created for you.
To have your health assessment sent to a certified nutritionist for review, pay the $19.97 Vitamin Assessment fee. This is a one-time fee and will not be charged again while you have an active subscription for Vita-ID with NuVision Health Center.
How It Works
Step 1: Complete a health assessment. If you've already done so, continue to step 2.
Step 2: Have a nutritionist review your health assessment For a one time health assessment fee of $19.97, a certified nutritionist will review your health assessment and create a personalized Vita-ID package just for you. Your nutritionist will reach out to you within 48 hours with a personalized Vita-ID.
Step 3: Order your Personalized Vita-ID Pack and take your vitamins every day. Nourish your body with exactly what it needs to thrive.